Varrlyn | Werken bij

Within the financial institutions, the dealing room is the likeliest place where the most sophisticated technologies are implemented before being disseminated into their other departments. It, therefore, makes an interesting and top-notch place to work in (according to us…).

In order to set up the best team for achieving the best results for our clients, we are always looking for bright and enthusiastic team players to expand our team.

Our key requirements are:
- excellent analytical skills
- excellent communicative skills
- functional/technical knowledge of financial markets

We invest in our people by providing training and coaching. In addition to your fixed salary, benefits and rewarding will be based on performance targets and your contribution to our firm. Working for Varrlyn means that you will be challenged to fulfil your ambitions.

Varrlyn is a consulting firm which was founded in 2010 and is based in The Netherlands.

Varrlyn | Nieuws