Breakfast session Network Orchestration
In today’s economy, no organization is an island. Every organization has to collaborate with external business partners to create value and compete successfully. Current developments in technology accelerate this trend: organizations are moving from relatively stable and slow-moving business networks to what we call smart business networks: an open digital platform where business is conducted across a rapidly-formed network with anyone, anywhere, anytime despite different business processes and computer systems.
As a consequence, competition is increasingly no longer between individual organizations, but rather between networks of organizations that enable firms to quickly respond to new market opportunities. This also means that the classical value disciplines of Customer Intimacy, Product Leadership and Operational Excellence are no longer sufficient and there is now an additional value discipline required from companies: Network Orchestration, i.e. the ability to create value by working together with external business partners.
This seminar digs deeper into the drivers and consequences of network orchestration: results from a large-scale survey conducted by the Erasmus University and BearingPoint Consulting will be presented to show the success and failure factors of network orchestration.
08:00 Welcome with breakfast
08:30 Welcome by Partner BearingPoint
08:35 Presentations:
- Otto Koppius, RSM
- Albert Jan Schepers, BearingPoint
- Marc van der Heijden en Chris Pronk, BAM-UTS Smart Building Logistics
09:30 Questions/discussion
10:00 Coffee/tea
Date: 19-04-2012
Location: Ruimte Utrecht Meetings & More
Registration: You can register by sending an email to:
Event informatie
Bedrijf: BearingPoint
Datum: 19 april 2012Inschrijven voor: 18 april 2012
Type event: Workshop
Doelgroep: Managers