Pricing Excellence Seminar Mei 2011

12 mei 2011
Inschrijven voor
11 mei 2011
Type event
Decision makers in Marketing, Sales, Finance
Dit event heeft reeds plaatsgevonden

Consumers have become more value conscious and they will expect this value to be included in what they buy, whether it is sustainability, healthier food, or any other personal interest. Consumers will seek low prices, and increasingly avoid discretionary spending. Such trends require excellent brand management, improved customer experience, and differentiation from competitors. Pricing is the final moment of truth where all these elements come together and the customer decides whether or not to buy. Excellent pricing is therefore essential for business success in the decade ahead.

On Thursday 12th May 2011 Deloitte will host its yearly Pricing Excellence seminar. This year the focus will be on how to set up smarter pricing models to respond to the evolving consumer needs. The seminar will be in English.

By attending this seminar you will:

  • hear examples of best practices on how companies respond to evolving consumer needs with new pricing models;
  • take part in interactive breakout sessions in small groups on specific topics associated with being successful in pricing;
  • have the opportunity to meet with Deloitte experts on any topic related to pricing and profitability management, and;
  • meet leading pricing practitioners from the industry and expand your professional network.

Who should attend?

  • P&L responsible persons for BU's or geographical areas
  • Decision makers in Marketing, Sales, Finance


Register for the Pricing Excellence seminar on this website.


Event informatie

Bedrijf: Deloitte

Datum: 12 mei 2011

Inschrijven voor: 11 mei 2011

Type event: Seminar

Doelgroep: Decision makers in Marketing, Sales, Finance