Electronics on the Move

13 september 2012
Inschrijven voor
12 september 2012
Type event
Supply chain and operations managers
Dit event heeft reeds plaatsgevonden

For the fifth time Eurogroup Consulting is organizing ‘Electronics on the Move’. This event for supply chain and operations managers in the electronics will take place on the 13th of September. During this small-scale event there will be much opportunity to meet with professionals in your line of business and discuss interesting topics in your specialism. This interaction has proven to be the key to a successful event.

This year’s topic will be: ‘The effects of Ecommerce on the supply chain in electronics’

Program Electronics on the Move:
Date: Thursday September 13, 2012
Location: Restaurant Marnemoende, IJsselstein
Time: 15.00 – 18.00 followed by drinks
Admission: Free

Cees Manneke - Ecommerce manager
Miele has fully integrated online activities into the regular business operations and is working together with her distribution partners. For both 'bricks & clicks' and pure online players, a model of co-operation has been developed that ensures the Miele experience throughout the channels. Cees Manneke will discuss the Miele way of working, the lessons learnt and his view on the future of Ecommerce for electronics.

Philips Consumer Lifestyle
Jos Visee – Senior Director Sales & Customer Collaboration
Ralph Fijen – Program Manager Global Supply Chain Management
The rapid evolution of the online business leads to new requirements on state-of-the-art supply chains. Jos and Ralph will share some of the most important challenges Philips Consumer Lifestyle foresees and will discuss potential solutions how to transform these into opportunities.

Eurogroup Consulting
Axel Groothuis – Partner
Eurogroup Consulting conducted a survey about the effects of Ecommerce on the supply chain among more than 10 leading product brands in the electronics' industry. Axel Groothuis will present the survey results and combine them with Eurogroup's hands-on experience in online sales operations.

We hope to welcome you on the 13th of September!
Click here to register, or send an email to: info@eurogroupconsulting.nl.
For more information contact Axel Groothuis: +31 35 699 60 69.

Event informatie

Bedrijf: Eurogroup Consulting

Datum: 13 september 2012

Inschrijven voor: 12 september 2012

Type event: Seminar

Doelgroep: Supply chain and operations managers