Roundtable Special: Future Proof

05 juni 2012
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01 juni 2012
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We are proud to invite you for ConQuaestor’s next Roundtable Special: “Future Proof”, which is organized  for executives within the shared services and outsourcing domain.

During this event we jointly explore the future. What trends and challenges do we recognize? What will be the impact on your organization on changing technological, macroeconomic,  social and geopolitical trends? More specific, what will trends require from your organization and from you as a leader and, can your personal management style be qualified as “future proof”?

Exploring (global) trends will help you and your organization to stay ahead and navigate in a complex, interconnected, and uncertain world. To move from information to understanding and insights and then action today to prepare for the future. Hence, to be future proof!

During this Roundtable Special  Erik van Wijk (success architect & leadership coach) will help us  to envision the world of tomorrow. You will share your visions, thoughts  and challenges with peers to develop possible scenario’s and their impact on your service organization and leadership. Together we will summarize our findings and capture tangible actions as input for your strategic planning of 2013 and beyond.

15.00 hrs Welcome & Introduction by Joyce van Breugel
15.30 hrs Trends in SS&O en main challenges SS&O-network by Joyce van Breugel
16.00 hrs Embracing the future by Erik van Wijk
17.00 hrs Scenario development in groups
18.00 hrs Break 
18.15 hrs Summary and actioning findings in Strategic Calendar 
19.30 hrs Bite & Drinks / Networking opportunity

We kindly request that you sign up for this Round Table by sending a mail to: We will send you an e-mail to confirm your reservation.

Date, time, location
5 June, at 15:00 hrs
The Dutch
Haarweg 3

ConQuaestor - Future Proof

Event informatie

Bedrijf: ConQuaestor

Datum: 05 juni 2012

Inschrijven voor: 01 juni 2012

Type event: Seminar

Doelgroep: Executives