Different views on Global FM
From location based services to Global FM standardization?
On 30 June we are organising the round table session ‘Different views on Global FM’. Together with managers of Facilities Management and Real Estate of multinational companies we will explore the benefits and disadvantages of global FM and share any experiences in organizing global FM.
Global or local FM and Workplace Services?
After a short introduction and first exploration of the subject, Erik Ubels - Director Information Technology & Workplace Services of Deloitte, Edward van Tuinen - Global Real Estate and Facility Director of Mediq, Rutger Veldman - Head of CRE & FM EMEA at Astellas Pharma and Ricco Groeneveld - Workplace Manager of Accenture will take us through their considerations in the way of organizing their Facility Management and Workplace Services throughout the offices worldwide. Views varying from locally based FM Services to Global outsourcing of all Business Support will give us food for thoughts and best practices. On a basis of statements we will jointly identify the framework and practical tips for a successful application of cross country standardization of FM services.
Program 30 June 2015
13.30 Welcome at ‘The Edge’, Deloittes new office in Amsterdam (Zuidas)
14.00 Kick off by Nanne Hurts, Consultant Hospitality Group
14.15 Organization of FM and Workplace Services at Deloitte, Mediq, Astellas Pharma and Accenture
15.45 Discussion
16.30 Wrap Up
16.45 Tour building Deloitte
17.30 Drinks
Deloitte is hosting the event and will welcome the participants of the round table at ‘The Edge’, Deloittes new office at the Zuidas in Amsterdam.
Are you interested in participating, please contact Nanne Hurts.
Event informatie
Bedrijf: Hospitality Group
Datum: 30 juni 2015Inschrijven voor: 29 juni 2015
Type event: Seminar
Doelgroep: Managers of Facilities Management and Real Estate of multinational companies