McKinsey Business Course @ Alpine University

22 februari 2015
Inschrijven voor
15 december 2014
Type event
Business Course
Dit event heeft reeds plaatsgevonden

Are you ready for the next challenge?

McKinsey & Company invites you to bring your personal growth to the next level during our annual Business Course. Guided by McKinsey's consultants and coaches you will learn more about how to reach your full potential.

Alpine University

During this week long business course, you will spend four days in Kitzbühel (Austria) and two days in our Amsterdam office.

At the McKinsey Learning Institute ‘Alpine University’ you will be inspired on topics like leadership qualities, communication styles and problem solving skills.

In Amsterdam you will get acquainted with the McKinsey office culture, work and people. You will work collaboratively with our consultants on a real case, so you immediately bring into practice what you have learned in Kitzbühel. It will be an intense and inspiring week in which you will learn a lot about yourself.

This business course is for students in the final stage of their studies that are fluent in Dutch.

Application process

  • Stage 2: McKinsey Problem Solving Test on Thursday January 15 at the Amsterdam Office. You will hear if you are selected for this test the day before, on January 14. So please make sure you block your calendar for the 15th beforehand.
  • Stage 3: We will conduct a case and a personal interview in the week of January 19 or the week of January 26.
  • Stage 4: In the week of February 2 we will inform you if you successfully booked a seat with us to Kitzbühel!


Please reach out to Carmen van Rijnbach:  or 020-5513288.

Event informatie

Bedrijf: McKinsey & Company

Datum: 22 februari 2015

Inschrijven voor: 15 december 2014

Type event: Business Course

Doelgroep: Topstudenten