Horizon 2014

15 mei 2014
Inschrijven voor
23 maart 2014
Type event
Business Course
Dit event heeft reeds plaatsgevonden

Horizon 2014

Horizon 2014 is a 4-day workshop in Budapest for degree and doctoral students who are considering whether their next strategic move could be to business technology and McKinsey.

The course will take place from May 15 - 18 in Budapest. We’ll start on Thursday afternoon (to give everyone time to arrive and settle in) with a round of introductions to McKinsey, the Horizon team, and the participants.

In the course of the workshop, participants will have many opportunities to:

  • Learn more about the BTO and McKinsey, our work, and the values that set us apart
  • Work in small teams on a case study to get a taste of how we work with our clients to deliver exceptional impact by applying both business and technology expertise
  • Get to know BTO consultants from various BTO offices all over Europe in person and ask them about whatever is on your mind, whether it’s internship options at the BTO, the career opportunities of non-business graduates at McKinsey, or our interview process
  • Find out what lies behind our value proposition of "Building Global Leaders" – and what this would mean for you as a BTO consultant
  • Discover McKinsey’s perspective on balancing work, family, and life commitments and how our various Firm programs and initiatives in place can help you arrange working patterns (incl. educational, parental, or sabbatical leaves and part-time options) that fit your interests best.
  • Meet up with other top talents from all over Europe and explore the metropolis of Budapest and its history, culture, and lifestyle.

McKinsey & Company - Horizon 2014

We welcome all applicants with outstanding academic achievements – irrespective of their field of study –, a pronounced interest in the areas of business and technology, and CVs that show commitment, diversity, and curiosity.

Apply Now

Would you like to experience at first hand what consulting work is like? If you're an outstanding student studying science, engineering, or economics, with a passion for technology, we'd like to meet you at Horizon 2014!

Event informatie

Bedrijf: McKinsey & Company

Datum: 15 mei 2014

Inschrijven voor: 23 maart 2014

Type event: Business Course

Doelgroep: Topstudenten