DC Talks: Embrace Equity

08 maart 2023
Inschrijven voor
08 maart 2023
Type event
De Balie, Amsterdam
Dit event heeft reeds plaatsgevonden

As Delta Capita, we are organizing a D&I event: On March 8, 2023, DC Talks will take place. This day is International Women’s Day, so several inspiring women have been invited. A talk show setting will be created where the table guests will join the experienced moderator for a roundtable discussion on this topic.

As Delta Capita we believe it is essential to be an inclusive employer and endorse that importance to our employees and potential employees.

DC Talks- Embrace Equity - Speakers

We are happy to invite you all to join us that day.

Practical information

Location: De Balie | Kleine-Gartmanplantsoen 10, Amsterdam
Date: March 8, 2023
Language: English
Setting: Live with professional recording

  • 15:30 – 16:00 Walk in (coffee/tea)
  • 16:00 – 17:00 DC Talks: Embrace Equity
  • 17:00 – 18:00 Network Drinks

Register here!

Please use the following link to register yourself https://0peimz8zdym.typeform.com/to/ir5CIwXyIf you register, we do expect you to be there.

Event informatie

Bedrijf: Delta Capita

Datum: 08 maart 2023

Inschrijven voor: 08 maart 2023

Type event: Seminar

Doelgroep: Professionals

Locatie: De Balie, Amsterdam