What we do
This Meetup (in English) is intended for everybody who is passionate about Agile and is interested in its relationship with culture and performance. Our special guest Inanc Civaz is the managing partner of StratejiCo, a consultancy firm from Turkey founded in 1987. She has now taken on the director role at Haga Business and Agile Consultancy group which is located in The Hague.
By conducting research with her team on client cases, she discovered new relationships between organizational agility and cultural and behavioral change. This led to the Agilibility Model, which was featured in Bloomberg Business Week in Turkey in May 2019. Inanc will present her findings and discuss with us the ways to chart and map the cultural aspects of agile organizations and transformations. For more on the model, see: https://stratejico.com/en/agilibility-model
What makes change so hard
According to a research by Forbes, 92% of CEOs think that agility is important to achieve business results. However, only 27% claim to be a highly agile company. So, what’s the problem? In many cases, the difficulty of behavioral change prevents a successful agile transformation. Indeed, besides methodologies, Agile requires a mindset change. And that change means at least ‘unlearning’ behavior and assumptions that leaders and the organization have profited from in the past: https://www.scrumcompany.nl/update/naar-leiderschap-in-wendbare-organisaties/ (Dutch).
Learning about the current and future culture
As a starting point to achieve sustainable behavioral change, we first need to get a good understanding of the context and behavioral patterns of an organization. To this end, Inanc developed a holistic, inclusive, measurable and scalable method for mapping current and future cultural change. The Agilibility Model she will present, offers an in-depth look at the current situation of companies and also shows in which areas they might develop.
How cultural change leads to performance
Fundamental to the potential for Agile within an organization according to the Agilibility Model, are Strategy, Structure and Culture. And the way in which these three pillars are connected to each other. After the Meetup, you will have an understanding of how Motivators (Purpose and values), Drivers (Targets, KPIs) and Enablers (Technical Infrastructure, Competencies) correlate with each other and affect how much organizations are ready to change.
We invite you to track and measure change with us. And to demystify what it takes to achieve a high-performance culture!
16:00 - 16:30 Walk in
16:30 - 18:30 Meetup Agile and Cultural Change
18:30 - 19:00 Drinks and snacks
Location: Creative Valley Utrecht CS, Stationsplein 32 · Utrecht
There is room for max. 25 people, so sign up on time. If you are still unable to come, please unsubscribe asap from this event. Be on time so we can start all together.
on behalf of the Organize Agile / Scrum Company team
Event informatie
Bedrijf: Organize Agile
Datum: 31 oktober 2019Inschrijven voor: 30 oktober 2019
Type event: Workshop
Doelgroep: Professionals
Locatie: Utrecht