Cross the Channel

18 januari 2019
Inschrijven voor
14 december 2018
Type event
Business Course
Dit event heeft reeds plaatsgevonden

Location: Near London 
More Info: Business Course for Dutch students in the UK

From January 18 - 20, 2019, The Boston Consulting Group Amsterdam is organizing our annual 'Cross the Channel' business course near London. This business course offers a chance to all Dutch speaking students that are currently studying in the UK to meet consultants from the BCG Amsterdam office and get a sneak peek into the world of strategy consulting. During two days you will get a realistic view on the dynamic day-to-day business in consulting, the unique BCG character and the role you would have as an associate working for BCG.

For more information contact Wies van der Ven, recruiter BCG Amsterdam

Event informatie

Bedrijf: Boston Consulting Group

Datum: 18 januari 2019

Inschrijven voor: 14 december 2018

Type event: Business Course

Doelgroep: Geïnteresseerden

Locatie: Londen