KPMG and ChainPoint have teamed up to brief you on developments during this webinar.Future proofing the agricultural supply chain requires a vision on sustainability and collaboration with suppliers. A survey found that 82% of companies are adopting more collaborative business models with suppliers and customers 1.
Another recent survey showed that 56% of companies will start reporting on supply chain performance in the next financial year 2.
Moving towards a more sustainable supply chain, companies need to manage lots of information. For example, external stakeholders now require supply chain information on:
- child labor
- environmental footprint incl. water and energy use
- climate change impacts incl. de-forestation and emissions
- conflict minerals
- social impacts incl. bribery, indigenous land use rights, living income
- agricultural practices
KPMG and ChainPoint have teamed up to brief you on developments in sustainable supply chains.
An outline of this interactive webinar is provided below:
The broader picture: global trends in sustainable supply chains
- current and evolving regulations in supply chain sustainability
- investor attitudes towards supply chain risks
- impact of these trends on (hidden) costs for companies operating in food supply chains
What are the challenges firms face to monitor and manage supplier performance?
- results of recent surveys with company leadership
- since there are many overlapping challenges in sustainability and food safety, we will address corresponding food safety issues and possible solutions on data management.
How to manage the information flow beyond organizational boundaries
- overview of solutions developed to overcome challenges in data management
- hands-on case study on data management
- participants are invited to raise questions
To ensure the webinar is accessible to a large audience, questions will be discussed in a dedicated session at the end of the webinar. Questions can be raised by e-mail or in the chat-room of the on-line webinar environment.
This webinar will be held on Wednesday, 16 September at 16.00 CET.
Target audience
The webinar is intended for staff responsible for purchasing and IT functions. Examples and case studies are based on our engagements with companies in soft-commodity and food supply chains. The language of use for this webinar is English.
Participants who would like to join are kindly requested to submit their application by using the link 'aanmelden' below. You will receive an invitation with conference call details and a weblink by email.
Event informatie
Bedrijf: KPMG
Datum: 16 september 2015Inschrijven voor: 15 september 2015
Type event: Seminar
Doelgroep: Professionals