Crack a Case

17 oktober 2013
Inschrijven voor
07 oktober 2013
Type event
Business Course
Dit event heeft reeds plaatsgevonden

Participate in our workshop and learn how to Crack a Case.

In our selection process we will test your analytical capability, structured problem solving skills and creativity through ‘real life’ (business) cases. Participating in our Crack a Case workshop is a good way to prepare for these case interviews. During this one-day workshop in our Amsterdam office you will practice case interviews and learn all the ins and outs of the art of case interviewing from our consultants. Of course you will have the opportunity to ask all questions you might have and learn more about Booz & Company. The day will end with a dinner on a nice location in Amsterdam.

Who do we look for?

The Crack a Case workshop provides a good opportunity for Master students to prepare for their interviews. We look for students who will graduate within 18 months. We welcome all academic backgrounds and universities; however we require a fluency in Dutch. What counts is your CV, motivation and grades.

Booz & Company - Amsterdam

How to apply?

The next Crack a Case workshop takes place on Thursday October 17, 2013.

Deadline for applications is Monday October 7, 2013.

You can apply via our online system. Please upload a Cover Letter, your CV and transcripts of your high school, Bachelor and Master grades. Click here to apply >

If you have questions, please send an e-mail to The next Crack a Case workshop will take place in spring 2014.

Event informatie

Bedrijf: Booz & Company

Datum: 17 oktober 2013

Inschrijven voor: 07 oktober 2013

Type event: Business Course

Doelgroep: Topstudenten